Monday, December 28, 2009
Enjoy My day....
Thursday, December 24, 2009
FinaL ExAm's ResUlt Came Out....
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
ThIs Kind Of Life ......I Like!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
My WarmIng BEdrOom..
My BelongIngs BouGht FroM InTerNet..xD!!
Suddenly................I MisS my LifE In NatioNaL SerVice!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
I'm back !!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Be a half day "father"...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
ShoPpIng WitH Primary school FrienDs~
ExaM End FinaLLy~
Big Spent-My styLe~
After go PC fair with my friends on last Sunday, we went to Queensbay mall after that..I still remember I had bought many things in Watson Shop..
Friday, November 27, 2009
My 1st day Final exam...!!Its hard!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
My 2 W3ekS 'hoLIdaY' ~
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Came out from hospital in second day~hurray~
left hand with cement really not feeling well...inconvenience even go to bath...I stay whole day at there really bore,my friends was on the way go to trip but I stay in hospital..can't join together with them, I also receive the call from them, I can read from their mind that they was very happy and excited to go the trip..I still very sad..
I go to x-ray again on afternoon.. that day many people came to visit me too...luckily I can back home..the doctor said I can went back home because my bone join back d..i felt very happy to hear that.
I felt happy when saw my bedroom..but many things I can't do yet because my left hand with cement now..haix...m any people came to care me too...still very sad because cannot go to college..
The time was around 7 am..I went to my friend's house..then just go college with him...although just very short distance, but very unfortunately I crash with a car..the model is new modal of proton saga (PJB xxxx) in a triangle junction which just take few second from my home..I think it was my fault. Luckily I still alive..I still remember that scene when I crashed with the car..I fly over from 1 place to another place..that time I still remember my brain is blank..
I faster climb up and call to my house for helping...surrounding there very crowded and I was very scare..I don't want to mention it the moment waiting for my family coming, I sms to my friend and inform him that I can't go to college anymore..I not dare to tell him I had an accident..I don't want to let my friends worried about me..besides, many people pass around there, felt very shy also... I quickly go to pick up my note..
After my family reached there, they take me to Hospital Balik Pulau which is near my area. When i reached there, the doctor take injection for me.. I also go for X-Ray..the result of X-Ray came out and show that my bond of left hand at the wrist there had a little bit broke..I felt very cold..I very scare that my left hand useless anymore..the doctor said I should go to town hospital to treat it..the doctor said I have no choice,must go there for treatment. In addition, he said I also can't join the class trip which will held on the next day..My tears suddenly came out, i was very sad because cannot join the class trip..I stay there to rest a moment..C.Yuan phoned me at that time, I also didn't told him what was happened to me, I just said to him that I would not go to college.
After that, the ambulance brought me go to Hospital Besar Pulau Pinang..I hate the hospital..Why I can't choose go to private hospital..Hate that hospital so so much..After the doctor checked for me, I took rest on the bed but I can't close and sleep also because I was wearing contact lens at the moment...I waiting for my family to take spec n the container of lens to me..So, I just rest at there the moment I already let my friends knew that I having accident and stay in hospital..suddenly C.yuan phoned me, he talked a lot to me and try to consoled me..but I can't give him my reply because my tears came out already..My friends also sms me and said will go to visit me later..I was very happy and touching because many of my classmate came to visit me although that is not the time to visit patient. They are, H.Phin, Ivan, Vikram, Jason,J.hao, Aditya, Irvan, Jessie, Carmen, S.Jie, S.Aing and Xin..Thank a lot to them..they also give me support and encouragement. I also receive message from K.Chyuan, K.Xin and C.Yuan..My family also came there, they took somethings to uncle that take care of me when I was baby also came to visit me..
I go to a room on afternoon.the doctor gave me an injection and I felt sleepy..When i woke up, my left hand was with cement..haix..really felt uncomfortable..I don't like to eat the meal provided by the uncle and family bought some food to me..
I totally cannot sleep in the whole night..I very miss my bedroom and my classmate..miss the class trip also..I very upset because cannot go the class trip in the next day..the main purpose go to the trip is to complete our assignment...
Very unlucky!!!!sad!!!!down!!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
AlL The BEsT To Our LEcTurer-Ms Yein
We sent her a large card. We wrote something inside the card.When we gave her, she felt touching n her tears came out. We also have took some pictures.She leave KDU is a I just wish her all the best!!
I kNeW to SwiM FinallY~
Swimming really is a good activity..It can help us to build nice body too...Really hope I can always go to swim with my friends..
Friday, October 2, 2009
Am I a big Spent peopLe??
Haix, our Tourism Geography course have 1 trip.2 days 1 night in Malacca and KL. The costs is RM265.But many of my classmate complaint that the cost quite coast because just go 2 days 1 night. But we still have to go because it related to our assignment. It is a 30% assignment. So all of us need to go even we felt not interesting to that trip. Besides, after few days I also need to pay my 2nd time course fee,there is RM5745. haix..That meant I have paid about 11K in this 3 months. A large amount too..because many of my friends course fee also not so high. So i really need to study hard!!!!When i take money from my parents..The feel is not good to me..because I scare I waste the money.
The way I can do is I really wanna going to study hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SteaMboAt WithFren!!
The class was end on 6pm.After that 6 of us go to try our Uniform in a tailor shop.There have something funny there when we at there.after that,its time for our dinner. 6 of us (xiao yuan,Phillicia, Trae,K.Chyuan,C.yuan and me) go to have steamboat dinner. We were very happy when eating at there.The steamboat quite nice and the service not too bad.All of us very full after having the dinner.The feeling quite nice and we all enjoy our dinner there.Besides,the cost also not too high.
After paid, We sent 3 of the girl went back to their hostel then we went back to our home.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
ShoPping AGain~But DiffeRenT Ppl JoR~
We met few friends there at the moment. We left the mall abt 7pm. after that we have our dinner outside. the dinner make me fulled. We ate quite many. We went back home after eating.
Today quite happy because long time didn't go out with them already..
My SecoNdarY ClassMAte GAthering!!!!! FUN!!! HIGH!!!

Finally our Class Gathering successful!!!I really wanna take opportunity thank to T.Chien. Because of him.I can meet my classmate that someone are long time didn't greet with them.Actually, he quite hardworking..all the work to organize this event is done by him.

When I back home the time is going to 4am. after take a bath, I go upload my pictures that I took that night. I quite happy that night.
Raya Breaks!!!
But, I still have many homework, assignment waiting for me...hate!!!
By the way, I want to wish my Malay's friends"SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI"...
Mid Term Exam!!
Haix..I really worried about my result although it only occupied 20 % out of 100% .But mid term exam passed, so now I just can study well.
I really need more hardworking. I really gonna change my lifestyle and plan again my schedule or activities.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Winnie's B'day...
I wan wait my friends to go her B'day..but they have I wait after they finished their tuition and then just go with I use the time I wait them to on9 and take some rest..
Luckily when go her house still meet some friends that I knew them..if not..I also don't know what I do..that day quite happy...we eat quite many..especially YS,his bro and me..that night quite happy...I went back home about 2 am...
MAny ppl aBsEnT..
the rain on that day quite heavy..we also late to college because og the rain and we go to fetch our friend in his hostel..because of heavy rain.he can't go to college..when we enter the German class..the class is already started but the German teacher quite good..she didn't say anythings even we always late..
after that, we go to Tourism Geography class..our classmate on that day quite less..about 10 person absent..that day quite happy..because our lecturer pass her qualification test..all of us do our best and very cooperation...she looked very happy and thanked us..after that still gt few time there...we took some picture..besides..we used our laptop with friends and eat snacks...
then we had 2 hrs break there..because of rainy day, we can't go outside to have our lunch..the we go the cafeteria to eat our lunch..after finished..we go to library..
after 2 hrs, we have Malaysian Study class...although the duration is 3 hrs..but after 1.5 hrs..we can went back home because we have done everything ...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
H1N1 AttacKed????!!!
Besides, 1 of my classmates had flu but still came to school although she had MC given by the doctor...after my lecturer noticed that..she call her better go home...
Now my classmate became less and less..many of them go back d..because their hostel have this case too...I don't tomorrow my class still left how much people in class although have a big presentation tomorrow...My Friends and I want to go buy mask on tomorrow d...
Wish all of us stay healthy!!!!!!!Stay away from H1N1!!!!!!
Be a gud Boy 1 nite..SlE3P Early~
At night..when I start on9..the time is getting dinner time..after that,,,my home suddenly no electric..some of my neighbor also faced this problem but some are not face home quite weird..because some part of my home still have current and some not..and very "luckily" wireless line I can't on9 again...even cn't do my homework because it need to search from internet...but my room still have light but the air cond was i connect to fan and sleep...the time is abot 10pm...
wow..I think this is my first time sleep so early after my studies started..because normally i slept on anout 12pm..1pm..2.30pm....haix...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Continue HappY witH classmate!!!
we go Gurney Plaza again to have our lunch...after that we go watch we watch{UP}..quite nice,,the story so touching and funny..the cinema fulled of audience ..totally didn't same with yesterday we go...haha..
after..some ppl still stay at there..some of us went back really happy...2 days continuously IO had crazy with my so them 4ever!!!!
so nite d..lazy to write much d...g9!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Crazy Day!!
After that, we go redbox to meet our classmate there...when We entered there...there looked so high...especially Vivian..she really get high there...some of us nearly raped by her..haha...We really didn't aspect that she would do that...haha..anyway....we have fun there...quite high and fun!!!
Tomorrow I still have activity after class with my friends...we also plan to watch movie after class..because our class end on 2pm tomorrow..
Help Me!!!
actually I think the problem I face is I don't know how to manage my time properly..everybody have their own 24 hrs per day..but why somebody can do well their things n without any complain about not enough I really need rearrange my time properly so I will won't getting crazy when my things or my schedule didn't run well...may be I need appreciate the time and not waste it even though just few minutes there...time is important to us...we can't buy it...
besides, now I noticed that I can't always in good communication with friends...the longer the time together...the higher the rate of I argue or have different opinion with them ...I don't know why this can happened..I notices that I also lack in communication with others..may be I same with their attitude...always give opinion or what..then this incident the way I can try to do is try to control my emotion and talk less...try to patient..I think It will be good...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
hAviNg FuN afTer Class~
After we had bought..we go to play bowling..we play 1 hour there...since long time I didn't play i felt my hand n finger quite pain...
After that, We went back to our home..
This Thursday, 4 of my classmates said they wanted to play badminton..then they go to my area play with me.Besides, I also have call my few friends that I always play with them came there...yuan, hao n kc also came along...
That day quite happy.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
BecaUse Of This,I Miss Out Many FunctIon~
today my till came out when I saw Lee Chong Wei lose to Indonesian...although he is the 1st seed in this tournament..but still lose...maybe he put to more pressure there..but nvm, he already done his best...luckily our 2 men doubles still can go thru semifinal tomorrow.
I have many comlplex feeling on this few days when I watched the macth....but this became a history..hope team Malaysia will come out more great team in them always....
T.T ^.^ ~.~ =.=''
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
OnlY 1 Day ClaSs in Dis Week..
But not so relax to me..because still got few assignment and also homework need to do...Besides, My Us uncle back from US..then I should take this opportunity and stay at there spent the time with them.However,This week there have World Badminton Championship and and live channel start from day 1 to final as a crazy badminton follower, I should take this chance to watch it..then I also not so close with my classmate yet..then in my mind, I think this it not suitable go trip together yet..this is because a gap sure will be occurred there since all of us not so close..
But start from next week,my class remain the same ...although I only have class in this week, I also not look so free..haha..
Friday, August 7, 2009
PC FaiR~
quite a lot things had be sold there...although quite many stall,but i think most of their products also same with other stall...besides,the price also have different compare to each other.
We just have a look on that day..then we plan come again there on next day..but I have bought several things there on that day..I bought bluetooth, ink of printer, keypad protecter, and the solution that for clean the screen for laptop...
after that..we go to cafe to eat somethings near there...
after I went back my home, I noticed that the bluetooth that I had bought malfuntion..haix...quite hate it!
Next time I must be a clever consumer next time,choose the product carefully before i buy it...and also survey all the price before I buy it...haha...
Do AssiGnMenT N WatCh MoVie V Fren~
when we reached there , we discussed our assignment..I think most of the time we play at there..only few times we discussed it...after separated some works..we prepared go to Gurney to have our lunch and watch movie..two of them also will go there meet us...before we go there, we go to fetch Jessie in her hostel...after that we go to have our lunch at Gurney there..the food not so delicious to me..
after that we go to have our movie..I not so like the movie that have been showed.I rate it for 55 marks...
after that we go to enjoy our dinner...the place quite nice..beside there have seaside...really a nice view...after finished our dinner..we went back to our home...that that quite fully..
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
HaPPY Holiday~
But..also cannot say it is my happy holiday..this is because we still have many assignment need to do..haix....
FuNny PreSenTatIon~
Before the presentation..I very worried about my presentation..because our group really not prepare well..I worried our score will get less...this meeting about construct a tourism spot in 1 place have been mentioned there..we need discuss the advantages,impacts n so on....our group just elaborate the point given in the paper there and didn't add any own points...when we present, we always make all people around there laugh included teacher...I like to see teacher laugh...because she looked very funny when she laugh..when we saw she laugh, we sure will laugh too..because very funny I also don't know to describe the scene.
After we finish the presentation...its is the time for question and answer session. I very scare tha question ask from my classmate because I don't know what question how are they going to ask our group and I scare I didn't have point to reply and give they a solution..
There are few question came to our group from our classmate..Luckily I can answered their question by happy..although I have idea but the sentences i present really not well because I know my English not too good..So I wan to improve it...
Since my character in that presentation is a teacher...then suddenly there have 1 question came to me specifically...He ask me"what subject you teach?"...Firstly I also don't know why he ask me the lousy n not relevant with the presentation question...since teacher need all group came out with 1 question,may be their group don't have any logically just simply ask us this kind of question..when he ask me this question, I don't the situation yet..I just saw teacher and all around there laugh very louder because of the question.. suddenly our group also laugh till crazy..teacher look like very happy when she laugh...
Finally our presentation finished d..I quiet happy although our English not so well..but this presentation at least can make others attract..
I so curious why our every time our presentation always give whole class bring out fun..haha..maybe our English level n oral not so well so we came out with funny presentation to others..
after few day..I so happy when teacher mentioned our marks in that presentation. Full marks is 10 marks...only few people get it..I quite satisfied my result I get 8 over 10 marks...hope next time can do well and well...
ComaplEx FeeLing..BuT Happy endinG~
权喜欢吃爱玉冰,于是我们也去吃。。 他很酷哦。。就连他先吃到那龙眼有点酸味,也不说出来,还好吃了在那儿呱呱叫。全知道我们发现后,就在那里偷笑。哈哈。。
当我们去WATSON时,很开心。因为那里有很多我可以买的东西。。 最好玩的事,那里有很多可以试用的化妆粉。。 我每次去那儿是,很喜欢拿来在朋友不留意时,涂在他们的脸上。那天,我涂在权的脸上,好看了,很惊讶。也告诉权。 权顿时从梦里醒来。。 在那儿大笑。开始和豪有互动。在那时刻他们两之间的冰山也被我的恶作剧溶解了。。
哈哈。。我的幼稚行为没想到那么管用。。 平时多鬼点子的我。。顿时觉得自己也有点贡献。。 哈哈。。。还好,总与有大团圆结局了。。 不过,我们这一群每次都是这样的。。习惯了。。哈哈。。。
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wan ChanCe My CouRSE??
But now, I don't think I will change to other is not easy to do that..
If I change course...I will..
break with hao,yuan, and k.chyuan...three of them came along with me ..
loss contact with new friends...
If I still remain it..I will
stay with my friends together again...having fun with them..
Friends...let us work hard get a big achievement in future..!!!
I must do very well to show them I have choose right decision...!!!!
Not enoUGh Time 4 Me!!
Besides, I still need to do my spent a long time to me. Then I become less time to sleep or rest..even busy until didn't watch TV and reading newspaper...I really wan to take many time to sleep so when weekend I don't want to hang out..just want to rest more...
If always so busy..I think I will become crazy faster and hot temperate....I don't want my life just"study..assignment..project...n so on.."very bore la..I want fun and joke...
Really not enough time for me...if one day have 30 hours..then should be fun..I can take About 12 hours to sleep..8 hours to study and 10 hours to enjoy..haha...
Group work Gud??or Individual???
咳。。又要做 assignment 了。。最近的功课越来越多了。。。有一点喜欢 又讨厌。。
我个人比较喜欢做个人的, 不喜欢群体的。。因为自己一个人可以自我发挥, 不用顾虑到其他人的意见。。做起事来也比较轻松。。群体合作当然也有好和坏。。好的是大家都可以给意见。。也可以分配工作,互相帮忙。但对我来说,我不太喜欢,可能常常与人有不同的意见等。。 当大家给意见时,又不懂要用谁的好。。说好听,群体合作。 难听点,大家偶尔不会合作的。那岂不如各做各的。
FuLly day..
This Morning go to eat breakfast with hao in Balik Pulau market there...after that go college class start on 9am...after finished the class, we go New World ParK to have our lunch.then my class start on 2pm again..quite bored at class...only can on9 there but the network damn slow...haix..
After finished my class, we prepared back home..Before that we go to sumwhere eat somethings...Yuan, Chyuan n me go eat LOK LOK...quite delicious...but whgen we goodness...i think we cheat by the people...very expensive..haha..but finally we pay also...the drinks also very expensive...haix..the low class place still have the expensive drinks time must be careful when go there..haha...
After went back home..i eat dinner at home again..haix..wad a fully day...
Although I eat many things per day..but my weight still remain the same..i wan gain my weight.....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Our 1st project and Presentation ....
We have a presentation previous day ago..because in Touriam Geography, we have learnt the tourist flow..the lecturer need us go to do some research so that we can understand deeply..our group selected Penang Hill as our destination..We go there do some research and get some result from the tourists there..the tourists quite kind and have good attitude when we interviewed with them..
After that, we go to somewhere eat and discussed our project..Then I went back home to prepare the presentation..I quite like it...
We are the second group do the presentation..luckily finally we can handle well althoigh we not good in speaking..but overall for me ,I quite like it...Hope we can get a higher marks...
I can ON9 In Class...
One of the reason I like KDU becuase there have wireless network there..Once take my laptop go control room to register..I can online in my college..but the network very low in several place..
Actually, this service considered very normal..but the things make me unbelievable is I still can on9 in class when the class is on...I can play facebook games, chatting with friends and do some searching when the class in is quite fun for me because I never try it and it is not allow when I was in secondary school...
I like it because I won't be bore in class..I like this feeling~
The Place We Go When oUr BreakTime ...
Normally we will go the cafateria of our college to enjoy our lunch...the price of there quite expensive but many choices..besides, sometimes we will go outside such as New World Park or DIAN XIN ZHI JIA to have our meal..New World park not far from our college..we nid spent within 5 minutes walk to there..However, DIAN XIN ZHI JIA just opposite my college..there have a lot of my food n choices around my college included KFC too..
If we still have time after out lunch, we will go cyber caber which is just near my college also or we will go our college's computer room to online..there have a lot of computers..
Library is one of the choices student like to go when breaktime because there quite nice..
新课程。。 新开始。。
Saturday, July 25, 2009
OreNtatIon Day~
可是,这两天真的闷到 。。。听到那些有的没的讲解。。还好不是听整天,才几个小时罢了。。
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
HappY DAy...
Go shopping with friends...finally i can found somethings that I like in the mall n finally buy it..happy...
Go ATP find some friends...Wayne(my PLKN friends) take hair course at there..I called him cut hair for me..quite happy can let he help me cut..haha...he quite good in citting...i like my hair after cutting...quite comfortable when he service..
Go friend's house....her parents also take us go to have our diner...they very good..haha..quite fulled after ate..
go night market...many goods and food sold at there...
back home...abt 2330 reach home....
haha..quite happy....
many memories in today..
WIll remember it..HAha...
with all of us HAppy always n Keep In Touch!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Besides,I really don't know how to manage it..
I don't want to meet anyone..I want keeping alone...I don't like to make any explaination to anyone..I hate to explain!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My Ns's Life..(3)-The acTiViTy I Had InvolVed To RepResenT ourTeam..
WaitiNg FoR My CourSe Start ~ BoreD At Home!!
2009 年苏迪曼杯团体世界锦标赛
马来西亚队与韩国队,香港队以及丹麦队列为一组(A);而中国队,印尼队,日本队和英格兰队列为同一组(B)。很明显的,A组可列为死亡组。马来西亚队,韩国队和丹麦队都可视为数一数二的强国B组只有中国队和印尼队在竞正副服盟主。 比赛的第一天,有点失望。马来西亚队竟然败给拥有双打优势的韩国队。比数是3-2。马来西亚队只靠男单和女单取分。相反的,韩国队的三支双打为韩国队拿分。我国的混双差点就能在混双环节打败北京奥运金牌得主-李孝贞/李龙大。我国的男双也未能拿下韩国组合。还好在接下来的小组比赛中都打败香港队以及丹麦队并获得A组的副盟主,挺进半决赛会师中国队。而另一场半决赛是韩国队向印尼队写下战书。 第一场半决赛是韩国队遇上印尼队。韩国队靠混双,女单和男双顺利拿下印尼队。但在男单输给印尼的索尼。比分是3-1。马来西亚硬碰中国队未能爆冷。中国仗着混双,男单和男双顺利拿下马来西亚队,挺进决赛会是韩国队。我国男双差一点就能打败中国“风云组合”了。若能在那场取胜,结果可能也不同了。
来到决赛的那一天,没想到中国竟然在头三个项目就拿下韩国队了。还以为昨晚的决赛肯定打得你死我活了。可说是中国队仗着有主场的优势。但以实力来说,本人个人认为韩国的三支双打的实力比中国的来得好。 8天的比赛也在昨晚落幕了。也很开心,这几天能透过电视看现场直播。很开心的。只一届是我国有史以来在这二十几年当中获得最好的成绩。首次踏进半决赛并获得铜牌。两年后,我国还能吗?这是个未知数。除了男双,其他的都面对青黄不接的问题。

My Ns's Life..(2)-Back home D~
今 天,是我们最后一天服兵役的日子了。相信大家的心情都与我一样,很舍不得。昨晚,我们因举办欢送会,所以搞得很迟才回各自的房间。回到房间。大家似乎也睡 不着。有的在跟朋友谈天,有的则收拾自己的包包。我与几位朋友在观看我们在那儿的录影带。同时也收拾我的东西。睡的时间只有一两个钟头出。但起身后,也不 觉得累。只是一早起来就很不舍得。眼泪也要流出来了。我一直强忍着。
接 着,我和几位朋友到食堂去吃那最后在营里的早餐。我们也想食堂里的阿姨叔叔们道别。他们也对我们说了一些话。之后我们又走回房了。在路途中,我的眼泪也流 下来了,于是我也走得比我朋友更前面,不想让他们看到我这个样子。我们回到房后,也准备冲凉什么了。这时我越来越悲伤,Azizi也看到我哭,上前来给我 安慰也给予拥抱。在冲凉的时候,也哭了出来。可说是从那时候起,眼泪就一直飚下了。我们在房里做好最后的收拾就准备走到礼堂去集合了。我的东西太多了,差 点来不及收完。哈哈。有些不要用的则丢进垃圾筒里了。一路上,看到朋友们的心情都跟我一样舍不得这里的一切。只有一小部分的朋友还露出灿烂的笑容。
我 们到礼堂去领我们的奖状。时间还早,很多人也和自己的朋友来张合照。很多人在当时哭了。场面伤感。吉兰丹的朋友先上车。大家都依依不舍的与朋友道别。当我 们槟城的巴士要开走时,我也与我朋友道别并给大家一个拥抱。那种心情真的非墨笔能够形容的。在上车时,跟他们挥手道别。
在 巴士上,也有许多人和我一样,在那儿哭出来。旁边的朋友也安慰我。眼泪就一直流,直到抵达槟威大桥那。巴士也到了槟城湖内体育馆那儿,登记后我们也可以随 着自己的家长回家。在那儿,我和朋友也拍了不少照片。在一次道别后,爸爸也在我回家了。可毅也是来自浮罗的,所以再次搭我的车。